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Reply All - Ouch

The moment when someone accidentally hits "reply all" to a company email and you are so thankful it's not you #cubiclelife -@bayjb

Over the years, many of us have probably had a "reply all" scare at some point. There are definitely different degrees of severity when it comes to this. A few years ago I accidentally sent out my golf handicap (which is the maximum of 30) to everyone in my organization. What's makes this worse is that I worked for a company whose sole purpose of existence is golf. Needless to say, this was not my proudest moment.

After a few more years in the Cubicle Life, I now realize it can and does get MUCH worse than that.

Let's hear your best....or rather...worst "reply all" scenarios - comment below.

Also, let's not forget about the Super Bowl commercial from a few years back which had a great take on this situation.

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