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7 Signs of an Awesome Co-Worker

1. They bake.


You brought in triple chocolate chip cookies on a Monday? Why? But OK.

2. They know people.

Office Secrets

You know...for that next job...just in case.

3. They don't call you out on your 2-hour lunches.

Office Lunch

"You just popped out for a bit...right?" Right.

4. They know how to give you that "look" during an awful meeting.

Boring Meeting

Feels good to know that you aren't the only one.

5. They have no problem being the designated lunch driver.


Awesome. I didn't bring my car keys anyways. Thanks!

6. They know someone in the Girl Scouts.

Girl Scout Cookies

Cooooooooookies. Put me down for 10 boxes please.

7. They have a candy stash.

Candy Stash

I'm just taking one...said no one ever.

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